View Profile Mataro

103 Audio Reviews

51 w/ Responses

I smell download spamming!

Well, I'm curious, because it seems like you have the generators and samples to make some awesome songs, and you seem really talented with percussion. Although one thing I would suggest, spellcheck your titles, this one is good, but it always looks very unprofessional if the title is spelt wrong unless it was done in 1337 or something similiar. This is a very good loop, sound wise, loop wise its ok. It reminds me of Terminator, haha. And are you really sure that I am better than you? Because you got the skills, just not the songs.

4/5. Replayability 8/10. Now make an epic and you'll be one of top!

Interesting, not entertaining.

This has potential, and I am curious where you got the sounds because I have looked for samples of horror sounds for a while. The rumble adds for a nice generator background noise, this sounds to me like doom, a soldier lays flat against the wall as daemons march by occasionally howling as he shivers in fright, although the sword FX seems out of place. Interesting, but not entertaining. Please tell me where you get your effects! =D

3/5. Replayability 6/10, loops well, but doesn't have too much interest to it. I'll be back!

DesertVulture responds:

I got the sounds from Clive Barker's Undying. I noticed the "sword thingie" is very out of place and would change it if I could. Hell, I'd take this "song" off newgrounds if I could.


I hate you! You left me out! So this is where you have been hiding da good stuff! *Laughs maniacally with fiery eyes* I have you now! And I have your excellent music, on my hard disk that is. And this shall be added to it, this is awesome its epic while still being humorous, and a tad scary. The beginning reminds me of some of Alan Parson's new stuff, haha. Well, as you may or may not have guess, I've arrived back from my hiatus, and I've hit the ground running, two new songs out, many more on the go, and starting to review songs like mad. Trying to catch up to where I was! Haha..

Well, first things first, I'm appalled you didn't let me know where you were hiding your good songs, I had to do some detective work to figure out where you went haha. And now, I demand you grovel for forgiveness! Mwahahahaha! Well, anyhow, on to the next subject, the pizzicato in this is truly awesome right near the end, that alone is enough to vote 4, at least, but because I crack up every time I hear this, you get a 5.

You better watch out, you better not cry! And if your on the naughty list, you can just kiss your ass good bye! I'm telling you why, cause Santa Claus is coming! To town!

Old Cris Cringle gave a jingle and down off rolled the heads of all the naughty kids in town. Now THAT is law enforcement.

Haha, well enough being morbid, this song is terrifyingly terrific, and I am very happy to finally find you, because I love your music, haha. I'm going to assume those are your voices? Haha.

Well, all in all, this is terrific, and if you got half a heart of good humour, you should give this a listen, and be taken to times not so pleasant, when Santa really did give you coal, or maybe a landmine in this case. A medieval jovial slaughtering machine, haha. Anyhow, I've rambled, and I'm tired. And I'm just happy to see your still alive, and kicking for that matter, keep it up!

5/5, and a download. Replayability 10/10, this is truly awesome, and I will utilise it for something, I just don't know how yet... Haha, through the barricades and into the keep! Keep your armour thick and your blade swift!

MaestroRage responds:

You would trap my wonderous binaric mp3's into the cold cube of a harddrive?


But in all seriousness, i'm glad you found the song enjoyable ^^. it was a rather random spurt of inspiration, and designed to let other people know that I don't just make stuff that makes people emo's, I also make HAPPY emo's... the rarest of all emo people.

And yes back in WW 2 Santa left landmines for children to plant on their doorsteps... t'was a horrible time for all mailmen, a time of great darkness...

I'm glad to hear you're up and kicking as well! I'll just jump on over to your page and we'll make merry with beer and reviews!

Thank you for the review ^^.

Overall it sounds great!

Although I do have one problem, it changes, but it doesn't evolve. Its one thing to rearm a soldier, upgrading his dagger to a long sword, its quite another to outfit him entirely in steel. But really, the sound quality is amazing! The notation is of course awesome, and I quite agree, orchestral music is very underrated. This was very entertaining, but didn't hold the wow effect, I can draw a picture, but I have difficulty drawing a scene from this one. Altogether however, it is very well put together, but possible the shortest 'epic' I have seen, haha. Oh well, more upsides to this song by far than downsides, and a job well done, and certainly leagues ahead of me.

5/5, and a download. I loved it, as it reminded me fondly of a good RPG. Replayability 9/10.

Well I'm back, finally, haha

And I am quite pleased, and not at all surprised, to say that your talent started out great, and has gotten many times better. Something about your songs fills me with energy and is overall, for lack of a better word, exhilarating, lol =D. Again, absolutely excellent, best preview I have heard, except for maybe the Sounds Of Gaia, but this one is pretty much a standalone song.

On another note, the song starts off ominous, exploratory, as if you step through wreckage, and find yourself in the time of the holocaust. The sky is dark and torn, the world aflame, the energy rampant, and the fury as fire. You stand, and the world lights up, its begun, another explosion fills the vast sky, and the rumble is soon upon you. You hear a man shout nearby, 'We'll be overtaken!' he shouts. It hits you and everything goes to a blur, this is war, and you're in the middle of it. Then pulling yourself back together, you step forwards, you're the paladin, and you're ready to prove yourself. As you step from the rubble, you see an already growing militia marching down the street. Not soldiers but ones not so different from yourself, you see the wounded, you see the dying, you see your cause, and you realise that this won't end soon. They sky lights up once more...

As you may or may not have noticed, I have taken to writing short segments of story to better explain what I think about work such as this. This is amazing, but you don't need me to tell you that. Make more like it, I'll be here waiting, and listening for the next explosion of creativity. I expect it soon, haha =p.

5/5, a download. This is reccomended to everyone, everyone with an imagination and an open mind, this is turmoil, and I love it. Replayability 10/10.

DavidOrr responds:

Wow, touching words!

I loved your description for the piece. That is the basic feeling I had tried to portray, so I'm glad it was able to come across.

I'm working on a few more pieces like it, so if you like this one, you'll probably like these others too :).

Thanks for all of your reviews!

Need a better microphone lol.

I would reccomend recording your voice and guitar seperately, that way you can concentrate more on one or the other, also, you can adjust them seperately, and put them together when your done. The guitar its self is pretty good, but you should get a direct link, so that its not distorted at all, then when you do that, take a program like FL and do touch ups, or add drums or something, it will sound alot better. The actual instrumentation is pretty good though, however, the vocals sound more like droning rather than actual singing. This has inspired me to make a song though, so I'll let you know when its complete =p. Nice job, low quality sound, good instrumentation, bad vocals.

3/5, you seem to have the downloads, just not the reviews, so I'll stop by from time to time and leave ya some, good luck! =D

Ltblackshadow responds:

Thank you :D yeh I really do hate not being able to get a direct link to just have to guitar play straight into the comp. Soon I will tho and I will also get FL. So when I do get all that stuff I plan on makin a new account and submitting only what is good. Thanks for the review. And Im glad I helped inspire you to make a song :D BTW this actually isnt my greatest song... Kinda just a random one.

This was extremely good.

Thats all there is to it. Its short, but its very fun, its very powerful, and its a good mix if I ever saw one. Congrats, this is your first, and its stomps the shit outta my first try! Lol. Incredible job, and I definately commend you for cranking that much time into this! *Does the math* Assuming you did 3 hours a day average, thats about 90 hours, the most I have spent on a song was 6 hours in one day lol =p. I usually complete a song the same day I start it lol =p. This was very good, and you should definately think about continuing, I would be more than willing to get you a copy of FL if you continue! Awesome stuff, I seriously hope to see more.

Please come by my page, I really don't get enough attention for an 11 song page lol =p.

Biff responds:

Yes 90 hours, because I really didn't know what to do :P after a while it just came to me, and im not a patent person if i tried again it would be an epic failure.

You finally released something!

I figured I would check to see if you made any audio yet, because I owe you for leaving me a couple of reviews lol.

As for this loops, its rather blah and overall very simple and basic. I understand you were just playing around with FL, but there is a trick to audio creation. It doesn't just happen, you gotta spend a lot of time on it. Another thing I would reccomend, is don't submit anything unless YOU wourself would listen to it. If you don't think its worth at least a 3 out of 5, then don't submit it until its deserving of a decent mark. I would also, once you create a few decent tracks, ask an administrator of this site to remove this for you.

1/5, because at least you took a little bit of time, and because you've decided to join us in the magical AudioLand lol =p. I wish you luck with your future songs, make sure to have a lead, and support, get into counter-melodies and background melodies later when your comfortable, you'll get better, good luck!

BlackPlastic responds:


Leagues ahead your other pieces..

And I didn't count effort in your overall. Reason being, I KNOW YOUR SECRETS =.=. Lmao, but meh, just try not to get in a groove with it =p. And to clarify everyone, just in case you might think I am hinting that this sir has stolen this song, he hasn't, this is original of his creation lol =p.

Well, I still recognise all the instruments =p. Try making your own, but otherwise its a very nice mix.

All my fifen are bleonggz to this, but you get 4, cause of your dirty cheating methods =.=. Lol, oh well, good stuff anyhow.

4/5, a download. Replayability 7.5/10. Master thy blade, and know thy enemy, and thy foe shall drop on his own. A huge step forwards, keep it up! ^^

Sun-and-Moon responds:

Haha thanks for the review. Yes I'm thinking of making my own instruments as the ones they give you are...well...limited. I had to add effects to every single one in this piece in order for it to sound interesting. And I'm sure if you didn't know my methods you would have been blown away ;)

I knew you could pull it off!

There is such an incredible lacking of LOD songs that I just had to turn to someone I knew could handle it, and look what happened! Awesome. It never really turns into a full blown ravefest, but it maintains the same driving pace from the original. Definately would be suitable in the original game in some of the more advance technologic areas. I could see my team going dragoon, and dishing out thousands of damage to this beat. In fact, next time I play, I'll have this music playing.

Though it takes a while to become truly recognisable, its definately worth it, because when that string synth comes in, it invokes such a sense of fantasy and good memories, at least for me =p. I'm happy to see that I'm the first to review this too, seems fitting lol. Wonderful remix.

I knew ther had to be something in one of the songs I gave you that would offer some melody that could be used, and this one worked perfectly. Congratulations on a job well done, I do believe this wonderful piece will be included in my new RPG =D.

5/5, a definate download, how could I possibly do otherwise? This is wonderful, thank you very much for doing such a great job on this poor newbies request lol ^^. Definately keep it up!

If anyone wants a review on a particular song, feel free to PM me, I'll be happy to leave you a few comments, any style, no prob. Just leave me to review a song or two, no "Come and review my music plz!" ok? Haha, we have a deal then? :P

Kyle Stanley @Mataro

Age 32, Male


Joined on 6/4/04

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